
Thoughts on data, growth, and more.

Written by Oz Guner

Counting on Beans, Knots, and Notches

We will always be prone to error no matter what we are counting, measuring, and analyzing. While we are getting much better at data collection, we will always be chasing that perfectly clean data set.

By Oz Guner in musings

April 6, 2023

Treating OKRs Fairly

Failing to achieve intended results with OKRs could point to a fundamental team failure rather than a broken framework. By nature, OKRs are not intended to be magical solutions to team dysfunction.

By Oz Guner in podcasts

March 31, 2023

Net Promoter Score — Part 1

Despite all the disadvantages, there is an important reason NPS is still the leading advocacy measurement method: Your advocates give you feedback for free.